About me

I am a sixty-something guy who got a little tired of ninety-something percent of my fellow human beings behaving like... I'll figure out an appropriate perjorative later. Every dollar I have and everything I own I earned, much of it more than once because I tried being a nice guy for so long. Its a little late but those days are over. The fact is most people aren't very nice but I've learned there's not much I can do about it and I'm not gonna waste what little time I have left trying. I am going to attempt to right a couple of the wrongs that I just may be able to.

Read this and if you wish presume that I am a bitter and angry right wing nutjob conspiracy theorist racist. I am nothing of the sort - especially the bitter and angry part. I plead guilty to being cynical. I am comfortably retired and enjoying life in my personal space as I never have before. Built a new house on a quiet little place in the country far enough from town to not have to put up with people much but still have two gig fiber lines from two different companies running by. Reading some old books and watching some old movies, reading and watching very little of the new stuff. The nice about almost everything these days sucking diseased donkey testicles is that I can ignore it and know I'm not missing anything. I have a few friends - real friends mostly of many years - and a very large extended family with whom I spend most of my time. And aside from those people I could not possibly care less what anyong thinks about me.

So from the items mentioned in the next part I'll address just one - if you can't bring yourself to accept that brutal reality there is no point in continuing. The Plandemic as most informed (and thus cynical) people call it refers to the various events of the years 2020 - 2023. Two things: it was not a conspiracy, to there goes your 'conpiracy theorist' accusation. But since sheeple like to use that word, define conspiracy. Without referring to a dictionary. Do you know what a conspiracy is? OK, the most common primary definition is "An agreement to perform together an illegal, wrongful, or subversive act."

When I was a kid in school, in the first three or four years - I forget - we had a couple of time a day what was called recess. The kids left the classrooms and went outside to play in a large area used for that purpose. Now - as the late unlamented Ross Perot was fond of saying - stay with me on this. There was a game we played sometimes, I guess you could call it a game, where one kid would walk up to another and stand close face to face, and another kid would sneak up behind one of them and get down on his hands and knees. They the kid the kid wasn't behind would make a motion, as if to push the kid that had the kid behind him. The kid would take a step backward and trip. It was a harmless game and usually all three kids had a laugh.

Was that a conspiracy? Except for the illegal, wrongful or subversive part. I suppose it would be wrongful if the 'victim' didn't consent to play. Whatever.

The point being - just in case anyone is still missing it - is that the Plandemic was not one big centralized plan. As it progressed the various players used opportunities to pursue their agendas - mostly to make money and acquire power over people. Much of the time no communication was needed and in other conspiracies of various types and sizes were carried out. If I need to show you all the items of proof I'm wasting my time - you're not gonna believe me anyway.

Instead consider this - it was lies, lie after lie after lie. Two weeks to slow the spread, or 15 days to slow the spread. Lies. If you're vaccinated you won't get Covid. Lie. If you're vaccinated you might get it but you won't spread it. Get the booster. Get the new booster. Get all the boosters. Lies. And on and on, lie after lie after lie. Don't call me a crackpot or conspiracy theorist. Actually go ahead, your opinion matters less to me than... well, about 99.99999% of everything.

Now ask yourself whether anything you are told by the 'news media' is true. I don't know about you but when I'l lied to I trust them less than I did before and when they lie to me constantly I ignore them. As Nietzsche said "I'm not upset that you lied to me, I'm upset that from now on I can't believe you."

I am a decorated military veteran. I won't tell you my IQ because it isn't something I brag about since I was born that way and had nothing to do with it and anyway when the Air Force re-tested me to verify the first test the second score was a couple of points higher. I am an accomplished systems engineer respected by my peers and responsible for literally-as-in-the-literal-meaning-of-the-word-literally millions of dollars in revenue for a couple of companies. After suffering massive neurological injuries from misapplied pharmaceuticals I have - with no medical treatment - recovered most of my former abilities - mentally - but my body remains severely crippled.

Don't tell me how it is. I've been there done that and got the overpriced T-shirt.

Arkansas Continued Care Hospital Jonesboro Arkansas
Jeffery Blake Copeland MD
Jonesboro Arkansas Hospitals
Medicare Fraud
Medicaid Fraud
Insurance Fraud
Health Care Insurance
Long Term Acute Care Hospital
Ascent Children's Health Services
Jonesboro Arkansas
James Cox
Medical Malpractice


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